- Instagram: @bufflinguist (mostly personal)
- Twitter: @maria_esipova (personal and professional)
- YouTube: @bufflinguist (personal and professional)
(adapted from Natasha Korotkova)
- an annotated bibliography on gender bias in academia
- LSA's Committee on Gender Equity in Linguistics (COGEL)
- gender distribution in linguistic subfields, journals, job searches (maintained by Ora Matushansky)
- bias in linguistics
- resources on and for women in philosophy (why so few, for example)
When I am not linguistic-ing, you will often find me in the gym picking up heavy objects, moving them a little bit, and putting them down. I recently brought my passions for linguistics and lifting together in this manuscript. I also wrote this piece about Ivy Russell, an outstanding strength athlete and an advocate for women venturing into “men's” sports from the first half of the 20th century, who has been, sadly, largely forgotten today.
I've been lifting since Fall 2018. If you are considering starting lifting, or if you are already lifting, but think you could improve your form, make your training sessions more efficient, etc., here are some resources that I think can be useful for beginners and beginners+:
- Logging and analyzing your lifts:
- Symmetric Strength (log your lifts and analyze your relative strength level per muscle group); my profile
- Strength Level (another wesbite for calculating your strength level and logging your lifts)
- Selected YouTube channels about lifting:
- Athlean-X (Jeff Cavaliere): strength coach and physical therapist; anatomically-informed tips for all levels of experience on training (quite balanced: form, hypertrophy, strength, power, pain and injury prevention, etc.) and nutrition
- Stefi Cohen: powerlifter, physical therapist, PhD in physical therapy; tips on training (originally focus on strength, but getting more into hypertrophy lately), more geared towards intermediate and advanced lifters
- Megsquats (Megan Gallagher): powerlifter, personal trainer, powerlifter coach; tips on training (focus on strength), especially for beginners
- Jeff Nippard: bodybuilder, powerlifter, BSc in biochemistry/chemistry; science-based tips on training (more focus on form and hypertrophy) and nutrition
- Vitruvian Physique (Igor Opeshansky): bodybuilder; science-based tips on training and nutrition (more focus on physique-related goals)
- Eugene Teo: bodybuilder, strength and bodybuilding coach; tips on training and nutrition (focus on hypertrophy), often challenging received wisdoms about training
- Alan Thrall: powerlifter, strongman, powerlifter coach; tips on training (focus on strength)
- Selected videos:
- For the very beginners: why women should lift heavy from Megsquats; beginner gym guide from Megsquats
- Deadlift: deadlift set-up from Alan Thrall; deadlift checklist from Athlean-X (I personally find Thrall's set-up cues more helpful, but Cavaliere talks more about anatomy and breaks down the eccentric part of the movement as well); sumo deadlift from Jeff Nippard
- Squat: how to back squat from Megsquats; how to back squat (high bar and low bar) from Alan Thrall; how to front squat from Alan Thrall; squat depth from Alan Thrall; squat depth revisited from Alan Thrall; breathing when squatting (and lifting in general) from Alan Thrall
- Bench: how to bench from Megsquats; bench checklist from Athlean-X; using leg drive when benching from Alan Thrall; more on leg drive when benching from Athlean-X and KC Mitchell
- Overhead: how to overhead press from Alan Thrall
- Pull-up/chin-up: pull-up mistakes from Scott Herman; more on leg position during pull-up from Athlean-X; different pull-up grips from Athlean-X; pull-up progression for beginners from Megsquats; band-assisted pull-ups for beginners from WOD Nation; more on pull-ups for beginners from Scott Herman
- Core training: anatomy of core training from Athlean-X; 5-minute ab workout for beginners from Athlean-X; woodchoppers from Scott Herman; kneeling cable crunches/ab pulldowns from Scott Herman; leg raises from Athlean-X
- Misc upper body stuff: different barbell row variations from Alan Thrall; 33 push-up variations from Athlean-X
- Misc lower body stuff: glute training from Megsquats; barbell hip thrust from Jeff Nippard
- Warm-up: quick warm-up routine from Athlean-X
- Programming: different training splits from Athlean-X
- Pain and injury: muscle tightness in quadratus lumborum and gluteus medius (common causes for "back" pain) from Athlean-X; strengthening your hip and glute muscles to prevent "back" pain from Athlean-X; ring finger-related elbow pain from Athlean-X
- Sticking points series from Stefi Cohen: part 1 (intro), part 2 (squat), part 3 (bench), part 4 (conventional deadlift), part 5 (sumo deadlift)
- Training at home:
- A google doc with tips and resources on strength-training at home, created during the COVID-19 quarantine in Spring 2020 (comments welcome)
- My at-home workout videos on YouTube
- 'On plates and packages', a short story about how I ordered some replacement weight plates for my growing home gym
I also picked up climbing/bouldering in Fall 2021. While I do have my Brattkort, I prefer not to deal with ropes, so I mostly do bouldering. I regularly upload videos of my bouldering attempts to YouTube and Instagram.