Journal publications
2023. Discontinuity as prosody: meaning and form of jump cuts on YouTube. NYI Constellations 1.
2022. Reps and representations: a warm-up to a grammar of lifting. Linguistics and Philosophy (special issue 'Super Linguistics'). DOI: 10.1007/s10988-022-09372-z
2021. On not-at-issueness in pictures. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 6(1), 83. DOI: 10.5334/gjgl.1314
2019. Acceptability of at-issue co-speech gestures under contrastive focus. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 4(1), 11. DOI: 10.5334/gjgl.635
2018. QUD-addressing appositives don't have to be clause-final. Snippets 33. DOI: 10.7358/snip-2018-033-esip
Conference proceedings
2024. Prosody across sentence types. To appear in Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 33
2024. The things that we can(not) exclaim! In Proceedings of the 98th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA) 9(1): 5723. DOI: 10.3765/plsa.v9i1.5723
2022. Kastner, Itamar, Hadas Kotek, Anonymous Anonymous, Rikker Dockum, Michael Dow, Maria Esipova, Caitlin Green, Todd Snider. The Open Letter: Responses and Recommendations. In Proceedings of the 96th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA) 7(1): 5257. DOI: 10.3765/plsa.v7i1.5257.
2021. Polar responses in Russian across modalities and across interfaces. Journal of Slavic Linguistics vol. 29, no. FASL 28 extra issue.
2021. What I will tell you about "matrix" wh-"exclamatives"! To appear in Proceedings of West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL) 39.
2020. Two types of verb fronting in Russian. In Ionin, Tania & Jonathan MacDonald (eds.), Proceedings of Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL) 26, pp. 75–92. Ann Arbor, MI: Michigan Slavic Publications.
2019. Composition and projection of co-speech gestures. In Blake, Katherine, Forrest Davis, Kaelyn Lamp & Joseph Rhyne (eds.), Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 29, pp. 111–137. DOI: 10.3765/salt.v29i0.4600
2019. Towards a uniform super-linguistic theory of projection. In Schlöder, Julian J., Dean McHugh & Floris Roelofsen (eds.), Proceedings of the 22nd Amsterdam Colloquium, pp. 553–562.
2018. Focus on what's not at issue: Gestures, presuppositions, appositives under contrastive focus. In Sauerland, Uli & Stephanie Solt (eds.), Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 22, pp. 385–402. Berlin: Leibniz-Centre General Linguistics.
2017. Contrast and distributivity in the semantics of alternation. In Lamont, Andrew & Katerina Tetzloff (eds.), Proceedings of the 47th Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 47), Vol. 1, pp. 309–322. Amherst, MA: GLSA.
2023. Esipova, Maria and Maribel Romero. Prejacent truth in rhetorical questions. Ms., University of Konstanz. In prep.
2023. The silence of the slurs: inferences about prejudice under ellipsis. Ms., University of Konstanz. Under revision.
2022. Composure and composition. Ms., University of Konstanz.
2018. Constraints on QUD-addressing appositives: Pragmatics or prosody? Ms., NYU. Not intended for publication.
2016. Cho, Kyunghyun and Masha Esipova. Can neural machine translation do simultaneous translation? Ms., NYU. Not intended for publication.
2019. Composition and projection in speech and gesture. PhD thesis, New York University.
Selected papers in Russian
2014. Sintaksičeskaja model' voprositel'nyx predloženij v rossijskom žestovom jazyke [Syntactic model of questions in Russian Sign Language]. In Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta 19: Lingvistika i Mežkul'turnaja Kommunikacija [Moscow University Bulletin 19: Linguistics and Intercultural Communication] 2, pp. 148–158.
2013. Proishoždenije i funkcionirovanije žestovogo imeni v lingvokul'ture gluxix Rossii [Sign names in Russian Deaf culture: origin and functioning]. In Moscow University Young Researchers Journal: Languages, Cultures and Area Studies 1.
2012. Osobennosti referencii v žestovyh jazykah [Properties of reference in signed languages]. In Sergienko, P.I. (ed.), Sbornik Trudov Molodyx Učёnyx [Young Researchers' Collected Works] 7, pp. 41–48. Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies, MSU, Moscow.
2011. Osobennosti referencii v žestovyh jazykah [Properties of reference in signed languages]. Undergraduate thesis, Moscow State University.
Invited talks
2024. Lend me your ears? Colloquium talk, Tel Aviv University, July 11.
2024. Peaking your interest. Colloquium talk, Hebrew University, June 4.
2024. Invited commentary on the paper 'Iconicity, scope, and the grammar' by Jeremy Kuhn. Iconic Representation workshop, NYU Abu Dhabi, January 24.
2023. To Q or not to Q? Linguistics Research Seminars, Trinity College Dublin, October 10.
2023. Intentionality and accidentality at the interfaces. Linguistics Department and Research Colloquium, University of Konstanz, July 20.
2022. Performativity and architecture. Buenos Aires Linguistics and Philosophy of Language Group, April 20.
2022. Performative expression of meaning and the architecture of grammar. GLiF Seminar, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, March 10.
2022. Preservation of prejudice: elliptical responses to antecedents with slurs. 'You're on mute' ellipsis seminar, NYU, January 28.
2022. The silence of the slurs: inferences about prejudice under ellipsis. Virtual NYI (The NY-St. Petersburg Institute of Linguistics, Cognition, and Culture) 4, January 12.
2021. Semantics of situations and pragmatics of prevention. Slavic Linguistics Colloquium, Humboldt University of Berlin, June 18.
2021. Facts and feelings: a cross-channel typology of affective content. The Northern Scholars Lectures, University of Edinburgh, March 24.
2020. Composure and composition: towards a cross-modal typology of affective content. New York Philosophy of Language workshop, NYU, October 26.
2020 (cancelled). TBD. Speech-Accompanying Gestures—Current Empirical and Theoretical Advances workshop, CreteLing summer school, July 22. Cancelled because of COVID-19.
2020. On iconicity, at-issueness, and composition in pictures. NYU Semantics Group, NYU, April 17.
2019. Emotion and composition. SURGE, Rutgers University, November 8.
2019. Projection of non-spoken content: a composition-driven approach. Super Linguistics Research Group, University of Oslo, April 30.
2018. Gestures at the interfaces. Foundational Topics in Semantics workshop, NYU, May 7.
2017. Co- and post-speech gestures: A prosody/syntax approach. Week of Signs and Gestures workshop, University of Stuttgart, June 12–14.
2017. Contrastive Focus and (non-)at-issueness across modalities. M&M lab, Harvard University, March 7.
2017. Focus on what's (not) at issue: Co-speech gestures, presuppositions, and supplements under Contrastive Focus. LFRG, MIT, February 22.
2013. Russian Sign Language. Festival' jazykov [Language festival], Moscow, Dec. 15. (in Russian, with RSL intepreting)
Talks and posters at conferences with peer-reviewed abstracts
2024. Prosody across sentence types. Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 34, University of Rochester, May 28–30. (poster)
2024. To Q or not to Q? Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL) 33, Dalhousie University, May 16–19.
2024. To Q or not to Q? Polar Question Meaning[s] across Languages, University of Amsterdam, Apr. 11–13.
2024. Esipova, Maria and Natasha Korotkova. To li or not to li. Polar Question Meaning[s] across Languages, University of Amsterdam, Apr. 11–13.
2024. The things that we can(not) exclaim! The 98th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA), New York City, January 4–7.
2023. Esipova, Maria and Natasha Korotkova. To li or not to li. Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL) 16, University of Graz, November 29–December 1.
2023. Esipova, Maria and Maribel Romero. Prejacent truth in rhetorical questions: lessons from Russian. Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL) 32, Indiana University, May 19–21.
2022. Prejudice and performativity: can slurs be used without being mentioned? XPRAG 9 pre-conference workshop “Expressives. Theoretical and Experimental Approaches to the Expressive Content”, University of Genoa, September 20
2022. Lack of composure, lack of composition. Expression, Language, and Music (ELM), University of Connecticut, August 20–22 (postponed from May 2020).
2022. Annoyance and architecture: lessons from Russian OY DA sentences. Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL) 31, McMaster University, June 24–26.
2022. Can slurs be used without being mentioned? Evidence from an inference judgement task. Experiments in Linguistic Meaning (ELM) 2, University of Pennsylvania, May 18–20. (short talk)
2022. From performatives to performances. DGfS-Workshop: Visual Communication. New Theoretical and Empirical Developments, University of Tübingen, February 23–25.
2022. Itamar Kastner, Hadas Kotek, Anonymous Anonymous, Rikker Dockum, Michael Dow, Maria Esipova, Caitlin Green, Todd Snider. The Open Letter: Responses and Recommendations. The 96th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA), January 6–9.
2021. What I will tell you about Russian wh-"exclamatives"! Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL) 30, MIT, May 13–16.
2021. What I will tell you about "matrix" wh-"exclamatives"! West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL) 39, University of Arizona, April 8–11. (poster)
2021. On abstinence and avoidance. Agency and Intentions in Language (AIL), University of Göttingen, Jan. 13–15.
2021. Gender and T–V on pronouns as form indexicals. The 95th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA), January 7–10.
2020. Towards a uniform cross-modal typology of composition and projection. The 94th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA), New Orleans, January 2–5. (poster)
2019. Towards a uniform super-linguistic theory of projection. Amsterdam Colloquium: Workshop on Super Linguistics, December 18–20. (poster/alternate talk)
2019. Composition and projection of co-speech gestures. Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) 29, UCLA, May 17–19. (poster)
2019. Polar responses in Russian across modalities and across interfaces. Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL) 28, Stony Brook University, May 3–5.
2019. Composition determines projection across modalities. Linguistic Investigations Beyond Language: Gestures, Body Movement and Primate Linguistics workshop, ZAS Berlin, March 11–12.
2018. Gestural adjuncts at the interfaces. Linguistic Explorations Beyond Language: Music, Dance and Visual Narrative workshop, CreteLing summer school, July 18.
2018. At-issue co-speech gestures under Contrastive Focus: Evidence from an acceptability judgement task. The 92nd Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA), Salt Lake City, January 4–7.
2017. Esipova, Maria and Lucas Champollion. Focus on adjuncts: A uniform event-based semantics of only. The 48th Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 48), University of Iceland, October 27–29.
2017. Focus on what’s not at issue: Gestures, presuppositions, supplements under Contrastive Focus. Sinn und Bedeutung 22, Berlin/Potsdam, September 7–9.
2017. Two types of verb fronting in Russian. Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL) 26, UIUC, May 19–21.
2016. Contrast and distributivity in the semantics of alternation. The 47th Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 47), UMass, October 14–16.
2023. Esipova, Maria and Maribel Romero. Two strategies for rhetorical questions. FOR 2111 Final Workshop, University of Konstanz, June 12.
2016. Alternatives matter: Contrastive Focus and presupposition projection in standard triggers and co-speech gestures. Mid-Atlantic Colloquium of Studies in Meaning (MACSIM) 6, CUNY GC, October 1.
2015. Alternating conjuncts: The to... to construction in Russian and its crosslinguistic counterparts. Mid-Atlantic Colloquium of Studies in Meaning (MACSIM) 5, University of Delaware, October 3.
2022. Thinking Outside the Box: An interview with Masha Esipova. U-Lingua Magazine.
2022. PerForum: Forum on Performativity in Language and Beyond. Organizer: Maria Esipova. University of Oslo, June 3.